Training Managers | IAHSS Academy
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Training Your Team

Need to Get Your Staff Certified?

IAHSS Academy makes training your staff simple.

Get singed up for a Corporate Account in minutes and purchase and distribute training to your team with just a few clicks!

As a Training Manager, you will be able to:

  • Add and or Edit learner accounts for your trainees
  • View your learners, their history and progress
  • Have access to and be able to print training certificates making compliance easier
  • View reports on your users as a group
  • Purchase in bulk or per course online
  • All employees receive the same high standard of training

Corporate Training Manager Accounts are free: you just pay for the courses and exams!

Sign Up Now!

How Does a Training Manager Account Work?

When you sign up for a Corporate Account, or purchase multiple seats for a course or exam, you'll get set up as a Training Manager.

TM Overview

1. Purchase Courses/Exams

2. Find Existing or Invite New Learners

3. Distribute Courses/Exams

4. Get Notified on Completion or Inactivity

5. View and Print Certifications

6. Get Reminders About Upcoming Certification Expiry

Learn More